Episode 13 - S1.E13
JIANG tried to investigate YEE's secrets but fell into a trap
and was injured. S00 PING rescued JIANG from YEE and fell in
love with JIANG. She wanted to detain JIANG until he had
recovered but JIANG, with the help of the six bandits of the
Valley of the Bad, escaped.
On the other hand, PAK also managed to rescue YUE LANG and
HWAH from S00's captivity.
PAK decided that if he could get hold of JIANG, S00 would be
willing to reveal the Kung Fu secrets in return for JIANG's
safety. So YLJE LANG lied to JIANG saying that HWAH was in
their hands and had been poisoned, only S00 could save him.
In a struggle to save HWAH, JIANG was accidentally pushed down
a stiff cliff. S00 hurried to the scene and jumped down the
cliff after JIANG.
'MOON' learned about this and was very disappointed as
everyone thought JIANG and S00 had been killed.… ...