20th April, 2004. FORTUNE GOD asks TUNG to work for him. TUNG is unsure. Apparently, KEI has not left Hong Kong. TUNG is pleased to learn this. SAM passes the information of KWAN’s blood type and fingerprint to WAI, which makes him uncertain whether he is a friend or a foe. WAI and PANG WAI return to Hong Kong safely under the Thai police’s protection. TUNG promises VINCENT he will carry on his undercover work. He tells him how FORTUNE GOD plans to cause conflicts between YING and WAH. WAI passes KWAN’s file to YEUNG and tells him that KWAN has admitted responsibility for the assassination. YING hears from TUNG that FORTUNE GOD plans to report his secret deals with the drug dealers to WAH. He kills GOD in a rage. TUNG returns to the organisation after gaining YING’s trust. VINCENT proves that KWAN is HO according to WAI’s information and plans to try to extradite KWAN back to Hong Kong. TUNG causes YIU’s death by accident.… ...