LAN stands on the street to wait for CHUN but she is driven away by others. LAN follows the beggar to CHAI’s house to snatch some rice and money. LAN observes the tyrannical behavior of CHAI’s wife and realizes that she was doing the same in the past. LAN passes by Elegance Embroidery and overhears TAK and HING’s discussion and comments on her. She is ashamed of the bad things she has done in the past and thinks of committing suicide. CHUN and LIK arrive at CHAN village and finds HAU eventually. HAU explains to them that it wasn’t LAN who set up the fire. On the day of fire, SHUN was dating with a man secretly and HAU was the witness. CHUN and LIK find LAN at a slum area but LAN refuses to return home. LAN thinks that she has been too tyrannical in the past and this is the punishment that God gives her. CHUN discovers that SHUN’s adulterer is LUN SI YEAH……