LEI gives ON and his family members a lift home. When PO asks her how her daughter, CHIN OI-SUN, is doing, she jumps at the chance to tell PO how excellent SUN is. SUN has returned from the States. She goes up to say hello to ON as soon as she sees him, adding she would like to visit FONG one day. But she pays no attention to her mother at all. KEI would like to hear SUN, who is a world-class pianist, play the piano. NING-ON therefore takes out YAN’s electric piano. LEI spills coffee on it deliberately. SUN exposes LEI’s pack of lies, saying she is no genius, as LEI has told everybody, but a habitual dropout. She adds that she is not going to be LEI’s puppet anymore. LEI leaves dejectedly. FONG goes up to her, who then tells her everything about SUN. SUN tells LEI she has returned to claim the inheritance left by her father, and that she will return to the States soon.