Episode 133 - S1.E133
Both ON and YI need some time to accept their relationship. WAH tries to defend herself by saying that she has kept the truth from them because she would not want to destroy ON’s family. FONG does not believe a word she says though, and shows her the door resolutely. ON throws a tantrum because PO has been hiding the truth that YI is his daughter from him. WAH has once told PO she would take away ON, making PO decide to keep him in the dark for fear he would leave home forever. WAN takes out a box of roses and then goes down on his knees to propose to NING-ON on the rooftop farm. ON thinks it is not necessary for YI to return to the US if she does not want to. In the meantime, he receives a text message from WAH. Worrying that YI alone will not be able to look after WAH, ON decides to stay a bit longer in their place. FONG receives a call from PO telling her she is looking for ON everywhere. Surprisingly, she tells PO a lie……