MC goes back to Yan Oi Hospital to work. A patient, Grandma HUNG, wants to go home so that she can take care of her old companion, Uncle LUK, who suffers from senile dementia. She demands to be discharged. MC therefore contacts the social worker attached to the hospital. CHRIS listens to the advice of his female colleagues and proposes to ANSON, only to be told that he is not mature enough to get married yet. PHOEBE says that it is selfish for MC to give up his clinic. He retorts with her scandals. LUK has gone missing. HUNG looks everywhere for him. This has enlightened CHRIS and ANSON and they decide to marry each other. MC cannot stand PHOEBE’s scandals anymore and decides to split with her. MC’s mother visits him, who sends her home with the excuse that he is busy. MC fails to attend the appointment with his mother because he is handling some financial matters with PHOEBE.… ...