MC and other Yan Oi staff go to the pub for a chill out. When it is time for home, both MC and HENRY offer to give SARAH a lift. It turns out that PAUL drives MC home in the end. MC confesses that he likes SARAH in the car. HENRY and SARAH bump into FRANCES, who is packing up in EDMOND’s house. They go up to give her a hand. HANG is going back to Singapore. She entrusts HONG, a paralyzed patient who has just been referred from a sanatorium, to SARAH. FRANCES is well adapted to her new job as a pathologist. TY asks HENRY to do him a favor by asking BETSY to go home. HENRY, however, thinks it is more important to help BETSY stand up again. BETSY vents her anger on ANGUS. DEREK scolds her for neglecting ANGUS’ feelings. CHRIS and his colleagues have won the lottery. He is so excited that he rushes to tell HENRY and takes ANSON to shop for baby products. HONG has got his degree. Everybody at the hospital is happy for him.… ...