On top of apologizing to SARAH, MC also explains the cancellation. SARAH comforts YEUNG, seeing the he has difficulty in handling his relationship with his mum. Martha would like to take YEUNG back to the USA for further study; MC refuses her request abruptly. HENRY knows that NELSON, who is a physician, is courting FRANCES. Without asking FRANCES first, he stops NELSON from going further. SARAH is choosing a gift for YEUNG when she comes across Martha. She gives tells Martha what kind of toys YEUNG likes. PAUL and PHOEBE, and FRANCES and Nelson, have just started their relationships. SARAH wonders why FRANCES does not choose PAUL. BETSY is thinking of a transfer. ANGUS shows his concern. HANG asks Iris to pay a visit to HONG but she turns her down. BETSY, who sees what happens, does not agree that HENRY and SARAH should ask IRIS to do something she does not want. IRIS visits HONG secretly. PO gives her some consolations.… ...