Episode 3 - S1.E3 - Plan "B"

Tsoi-shan becomes another person and eagerly listens to Chor-kiu. Hong Lok patiently persuades Nga-yau to move out of Chor-kiu’s home and help Tsoi-shan to regain his manhood. To break free from Chor-kiu’s control, Tsoi-shan has saved up for moving home. But Nga-yau fights within herself as she knows she has always gone against Chor-kiu. Chor-kiu finds out Mei-foon lurks around “through-train school”. She arbitrarily sets a trap for ruining Mei-foon’s credibility. Tsoi-shan loses his temper on the day of Yat-tung’s interview, causing Yat-tung to fail. Chor-kiu gets angry and wants to blame someone. Nga-yau mentions she is moving out as she cannot stand it any longer. Mother and daughter turn against each other. The duo recall Chor-kiu had aortic dissection when Nga-yau was in labor. They appreciate a precious mother and daughter relationship. Chor-kiu eventually gives in and agrees to let Nga-yau and Tsoi-shan move to a new home.

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Episode 3 - S1.E3 - Plan "B"

June 16, 2021


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