Wai is going to set Yin up when she is singing in the streets. He pays a hundred dollars to dedicate a song. Yin encourages herself by taking a look at her son’s photo. Finally, she has a good performance and receives a big applause from the audience. Later, the troupe is facing a crisis that it’s contract with the nightclub will be terminated. It is because Kiu has a dispute with a big customer when she is trying to defend her troupe member. The troupe is able to survive as Yin is making her request right at the time when the boss is meeting his mistress. Lan follows her dad when he is on his way to work. She finds him working very hard but barely earns a living. So, she decides to find a job. With efforts, she is able to get a job of magician assistant finally. Because of the job, she meets Fung again. Then she settles in Fung’s home. Later, the little pig that Lan brings with her from the village has eaten a ring.… ...