Chen Huais attacked in an arr,bush set up by Lung Cheng but is lucky and survives. Chen Kuei is killed. Chen Hua vows to take revenge. In order to avoid getting Ma Yung and Chia-ming into trouble, Chan Hua decides to act by himself. Secretly, he goes to take revenge on Lung Cheng. Ma Yung and Chi a-ming notice that Chen Hua is not his usual self and are puzzled.
Chen Hua kidnapped Cheng's wife, Gin Fung, in order to force Lung to meet him alone by himself. Ma Yung and Chia-ming find out about the meeting and want to go along. However, Chen Hua strongly refuses. Lung Cheng saves rain Fung according to his plans. Chen Hua is shot. At a critical moment, Ma Yung shoots dead one of Lung
Cheng's men and together with Chi a-ming, saves Chen Hua.
Chen Hue is seriously wounded. While Ma Yung and Chia-ming are at loss of what to do, Mei-li comes along.… ...