Episode 6 - S2.E6 - Escape to the Chateau: Make Do & Mend

Dick and Angel help Linda and Andrew transform a patch of land in their back garden into an al fresco bath house using a 1960s pink bathroom suite bought for a quid, a hot water heater and ingenious use of the Japanese art of kintsugi. Dick also answers a request from chef Alisha to help transform her barren backyard into a productive veg patch by utilising clever tiered planters costing the price of a few nails, plus brilliant bag-grown potatoes. Meanwhile, Angel helps Kerry bring her granny's wartime haberdashery box back to life to create a stylish solution that she can fill with special memories of the past.

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Episode 6 - S2.E6 - Escape to the Chateau: Make Do & Mend

July 29, 2021


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