Though reluctant initially, YUK-CHU finally gives in to her mother's persuasion and returns home. YAN CHAI' has been planting his own supporters in the factory and asks CHUN-POR to instigate a strike for better pay WAI. However helps SHING-SHEUNG by inviting dis~runt1ed workers hack to work which greatly pleases SHING-SHEUNG. SHING-SHEUNG misses his appointment with KA-MAN and asks WAl to notify her. The two bumps into YUK-CHU who gets into fits of jealousy, In order to find out more about SHING-SHEUNG's private life. KA ?MAN disgruntled as an applicant for a secretarial opening in the factory. SHING SHEUNG discovers and makes a fool of her, but he also explain that he has to sacrifice part of his private life for his career. SHING-SHEUNG and KA-MAN invite WAI and YUK-CHU to dinner. WAI is disheartened seeing how close SHING-SHEUNG and KA-MAN are, and he drinks a lot.