WAI and YUK-CHU grow fond of each other as they go through the trouble together. Out of jealousy, CHUNG in the underworld uses his power to disturb his family. Fail to achieve his aim, CHUNG through KIT-CHONG's mouth reveals to his family WAI's scheme of possessing his body to come to this world. He also makes YUK-CHU confess her knowing the whole story. CHUNG's family hopes CHUNG to come back and ask help from a temple master. YUK-CHU interferes as she doesn't want to hurt WAI. Finally, CHUNG and WAI come together and WAl agrees to recede from the love battle. CHAT is furious with SHTNG-SHEUNG's business . decisions which cause him' to lose money in his private set-up. SHING-SHEUNG also discovers that CHAT is stealing materials from his factory. He forces CHAT out of the company board. As a form of revenge as well as for money. CHAT contrives to kidnap SIHNG-SHEUNG but gets WAI mistakenly.