Episode 2 - S1.E2 - The Tribulation of Life

LING tells the police that she is only sent by HUNG who is behind

the whole plot. YEE uses his wits to get the ransom and releases

SHING's son. At first, SHING refuses to cooperate with the

police. and yet he changes his mind when he learns that the

kidnappers are in possession of his wife's diamond necklace.

HAN feels dissatisfied when she finds TAX too indulged in his

work making him neglect the preparation of their wadding.

TAK eventually locates the whereabouts of HUNG and YEE who are

caught with the remaining two guys still. at large.

HUNG pretends to know nothing about the necklace. So TAK

suspects that it is still in the hands of the rest of the gang,

who forces LING to give them the necklace. However, LING has

no idea where the necklace is.

HUNG and YAE are sent to prison. The latter works hard in his

studies and gets a very good result.

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Episode 2 - S1.E2 - The Tribulation of Life

November 1, 1988


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