YEE grieves over TAI's death and asks KIU for a month's leave
but is refused. The two fall out and NAY acts as a go-between
bringing the two together again and at the same time offering
comforts and encouragement to YEE.
LING takes up a decent ,job as a saleslady and this delights
TAK. Yet her love for money drives her to work part-time
in a nightclub and this arouses anger on TAK's part. The
two eventually make up when LING promises not to go astray.
They gradually grow fond of each other and fall in love.
LING's brother is caught shoplifting in a supermarket.
LING seeks help from TAK whose connection at the police
station saves him from being charged. However, LING's
mother thinks that TAX is very influential in the police
force and brings embarrassment to TAK.