Episode 18 - S1.E18 - The Tribulation of Life

LIM asks TAK to escort him to leave Hong Kong. However, he is

murdered by HUNG who is hired by KWOK. Before he dies, he

passes. those evidences against KWOK to TAK who in turn hands

them to the police. Nevertheless, because of insufficient

evidences the police fails to charge KWOK.

TAK recognizes HUNG to be the murderer. .'The police orders

arrest of him and HUNG needs to get money so as to leave

Hong Kong. So he goes to LING's. house and ties the whole

family up. Then he ransacks the whole house for the

diamond necklace hidden there by him years ago.

He searches everywhere but cannot find it. At that time,

TAK and YEE arrive and they have a fight. In the end, Hung

tries to escape and YEE is injured.

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Episode 18 - S1.E18 - The Tribulation of Life

November 23, 1988


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