The ex-QUEEN falls down a cliff together with the assassin when they struggle in the woods. Meanwhile, Family KIM is trapped made by CHUT during the escape. Besides, DAI has difficulties in deliver her baby; therefore, CHI goes into the poison woods for a kind of herb. Coincidentally, she meets QUEEN BO who is evading. CHI helps QUEEN BO to escape; however, eunuch LING discovers them. Eunuch LING desires to eliminate all of them at one time; but unfortunately, he falls into the trap of CHUT also. The fell off from the cliff causes ex-QUEEN suffers from a short-term memory loss. Despite her wielded behavior, YUET has no alternatives but seeks for her assistance in delivering a note to NIN in order to rescue them. Unexpectedly, the ex-QUEEN completes her mission successfully and NIN sends his troops to save his family. Meanwhile, eunuch LING also turns against KWOK KAU and QUEEN KWAI and attests their conspiracy.… ...