Episode 12 - S1.E12 - Master of Martial Arts

YEE fears that HUAN again will attempt suicide, she accepts HUAN temporarily. HUAN is happy. He works diligently. He forgets the revenge. WING and SO find that HUAN is becoming thin and haggard. They give him some advices. HUAN does not take their advices seriously. In another aspect, SO misunderstands that LAN does love him. He expresses his love to LAN. SO makes the situation very embarrassed. YEE advises HUAN to back to BO CHI LAM. HUAN asks HUNG to forgive him. HUNG and HUAN have eventually reconciled. KONG joins force with the country-gentry to bribe for the government official position. HUAN discovers the case. SO and HUAN go to collect KONG's criminal evidence. The seeds for disaster were sown.

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Episode 12 - S1.E12 - Master of Martial Arts

June 21, 1994


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