Episode 7 - S1.E7
TONG, FUN and others question CHARM about SIN, CHARM utters with excuse and runs home. Though KUEN pleads CHARM many times, CHARM still keeps silence. JANE dissatisfies CHARM’s playful attitude of life and always find faults at her. Hence, CHARM says she will establish an advertising agency and designs a slogan for the medicine oil factory. TING is very pleased whilst JANE feels bitter. LING breaks PING’s fan carelessly which gave PING an excuse to scold TONG severely. In order to settle the dispute, TONG has to borrow money from CHARM to buy a new fan.
PING helps CHEONG to evolve the relationship with YUEN, YUEN finally listens to his sweet talk and visit CHEONG’s apartment. CHEONG sends away his mother and his smaller brother & sister deliberately and gets drunk in order to obtain the sympathy of YUEN. He is very disappointed because his plan failed when his mother arrived home early.