Episode 11 - S1.E11
KAM asks YAN not to let anyone know that she fancies LEUNG, and YAN promises to keep it secret. VINCENT, the Facilities Manager of Ching Hong Ltd, has been collaborating with LEUNG on a number of projects. Ching Hong Ltd. is going to establish a new project and a contract for works will soon be put out to tender. VINCENT hints that LEUNG might be able to win the contract if he could get some advantages. LEUNG, however, turns down his offer. On the other hand, KEI has tried every possible way to please VINCENT, only for the purpose of winning the tender. CHI persuades KA-YAN to come back to the properties agency and she finally gives in to his request. LEUNG has accidentally ripped the tender that is to be submitted. He is however very lucky to have LAM to help him draft a new one. Upon receiving bribes from KEI, VINCENT means to throw LEUNG’s tender away.… ...