Star Trek Beyond Pitch Meeting - S5.E3
Star Trek has been one of the most popular sci-fi franchises in the world for decades, and with the success of the 2009 blockbuster reboot, it was only natural that we got a few follow-ups to the Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto-led movies.
Star Trek Beyond, the first movie in the Kelvin timeline, does raise some questions though. Like what happened to Carol Marcus? What happened to the life-saving superblood from Star Trek Into Darkness? What happened to beaming bombs onto people’s ships? Why does Kirk think a desk job will help him in the way of excitement? Did anyone ever care about Spock and Uhura’s relationship? How is Jaylah managing to hide that ship from Krall, who’s literally the one who crashed it there? Why do all these movies have bad guys from a different time?