MONG and HUNG make an inspection of the factory. MAN complains to MOON about the deteriorating quality of the flour but she pays no attention to him. FU and TING would like to run a small shop together. On the other hand, TSUN is busy sourcing funds with a view to buying back Man Cheong Shing. HUNG, however, manages to make TAI and other businessmen withdraw from investing in TSUN. HUNG tells MOON how TSUN spoke ill about Man Cheong Shing at a press conference. He wants to use her to earn quick bucks by gathering inside information from her suitor. MOON goes home to find FUN having a stroke. CHEONG tidies up the house. He is astonished to find in FUNG’s room TSUN’s signature samples. TSUN visits FUN at the hospital. HANG picks up a fight with him. HUNG forces MOON to dig out more inside information from her suitor as well as what is going on between TSUN and TAI.