Episode 15 - S1.E15
General Cheung killed in order to avoid leakage of his evil secrets
Although Mui and Coy managed to control Sit by means of their incantation,
they failed to find the Heavenly Book. Feeling sure that Chau had possession
of the same, she threatened him to hand it over to her with Sit's life.
Chau took the Heavenly Book and went to save Sit. By accident, he damped
the Book with water and words immediately appeared on it. Later, Chau,
Kwei, Po and Chuen co-operated together to fight Coy and Mui. Although
danger persisted, they finally managed to save Sit, Soon after Sit's
recovery, he resumed his indifference towards Po which greatly despressed
her. Coy offered his service to the barbarian Emperor, Kam Yuen Kwei. Mui
objected and went away alone. Coy led his barbarian troops to invade
Emperor Teng. With the help of Sit, Hien managed.-to defeat them.… ...