Episode 23 - S1.E23
KAM asks CHEE to check out how Ho Mun Chut is run. Distracted by her beauty, FAI discloses to CHEE that MEI has taken the shop’s money for her own use. KAM scolds MEI for this. MEI is very angry that FAI should betray her. She falls out with him. CHEE is both beautiful and well-educated. KAM regards her to be her future daughter-in-law. She decides to match up CHEUNG and CHEE. CHEE gets close to CHEUNG, with a view to taking over Chuen Mei Mansion one day. However, CHEUNG doesn’t seem to have much interest in her. The four ladies are fond of CHEUNG. They try every way to stop CHEE from seeing him. FAI knows that MEI is angry with him. He turns to the four ladies for advice. Touched by FAI’s sincerity, MEI forgives him. CHEUNG suggests going hiking on an outlying island. CHEE wants to please him so agrees to go. CHEE’s legs hurt as she wears high heels for the hiking.