MAN worries that SAU may harm CHO and WAN condemns her for not caring about SAU at all. When WAN is looking for SAU high and low, he receives her call. WAN rushes to Cheung Chau Island immediately. He makes an excuse of buying some supper and sneaks out to call KWONG. WAN gets a bunch of flowers outside the temple as to please SAU. Yet the flowers make CHO suffocated due to his hay fever. SAU and WAN immediately send CHO to the hospital. SAU claims to be his mother but does not know a thing about the boy. Being not able to answer the doctor, it drives SAU mad and burst out screaming. Lucky KWONG and MAN are there just in time. SAU refuses to eat and says nothing; KEUN and the rest are worried. For the sake of stimulating SAU, WAN eats crazily in front of her and finally makes SAU eat again. In a pub, HO provokes YEE to drink and quietly put some overpowering drugs inside her drinks.… ...