This episode was part 6 of 7 in a series featuring eight couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars.
Stunt #1 (Gross gorge) Couples would have to eat from Plexiglas containers containing 6 pounds, 8 ounces of disgusting food items. Among these items were octopus, lamb brain, pig snout, pig tongue, cod egg sac, cow eyeballs, sea cucumber, pig uterus, intestines, squid, scorpions, tarantulas, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, nightcrawlers, red worms, super worms, tomato horn worms, stink beetles, and other assorted bugs and animal innards. The couple that could eat the most weight in the 20 minute time limit would win a two-week trip to Belize where they would stay six days in the rain forest at Ian Anderson's Caves Branch and six days sailing the Caribbean in a luxury yacht from Mooring Signature Vacations. No one would be eliminated in this stunt.
Stunt #2 (Train lean & grab) Couples would have to cross 12-inch wide balance beams on top