Trisha's Favourites: I've got Fatitude - S1.E53
Trisha looks back as... ...we meet Vicky who tells Trisha about her life, she admits to being fat but she's happy about it, leading a healthy life and eating healthy food.
We then meet Professor Arthur a author who has had a book about the history of beauty published. He says that if you don't fit into the perfect beautiful person catalogue then theirs no point at you trying to be a celebrity or doing the job you wish.
We then meet 61 year old Mary who is concerned about her daughter Sharon, aged 35 who won't live to be her age because of her weight problem. She has tried voicing her worries but Sharon doesn't listen. We then meet Sharon, Trisha asks Sharon if she wants to lose weight, she says yes but only if she was working one-to-one with someone, Trisha brings on fitness expert Adam Ashford who is going to work with Sharon to help her lose the weight.
Then to Margaret who is worried that her 19 year old son Jonathan, isn't trying to lose weight even though he's being told he's go