Episode 6 - S1.E6
To be model, SHAN has to wear the bikini for photo taking; nevertheless, CHAI requests her to wear transparently for better gimmick. Luckily, with the help of LIK, she is able to refuse the job. TING worries that SHAN may be cheated and carried out indecent activities; however, LIK disagrees with her and highly recommend SHAN to see the world and adapt to nowadays society.
Actually, it is not just the worry of TING, SUNG also asks LIK to pay more attention to CHAI. And, LIK finally discovers that CHAI has used the computer technique to edit special effects on the photos of SHAN and make SHAN nude in the photographs. Therefore, LIK steals away the photos and brings them home. SUNG and TING smuggled into CHAI’s office and take down his cheating act secretly. They bargain with CHAI and hand in the video in return of SHAN’s floppy disc. SHAN realises her innocent and willing to return to the children orphanage……