Series 2: Episode 8 - S2.E8
December 18, 2003
video reviews
In the finale to the series, people and shows made fun of this time include Saddam Hussein, Kilroy and BBC 1 documentary Bodysnatchers. Harry also asks why would someone take their goldfish to the vets in Emmerdale and discusses the not-so-exciting next episode previews for The Bill. Other things include Hagrid (from Harry Potter) look-alikes in Coronation Street to Grim Reaper look-alikes in Operatunity. There's also a fight between Saddam Hussein and Santa Claus, the next part of ‘At Home with the Pop Idol Judges' (where Simon Cowell has a sex change to become Simone Cowell so he can marry Brendan but shortly after the wedding, Foxy spears Simone through the chest) and all the regular stuff.