The Last Gift - S1.E40
MA FU helps MA YAU to take her charged mobile phone and he accidentally breaks MA CHONG's figure. LAI-SHEUNG reveals that MA CHONG treasures the figure very much but MA FU insists that it's just a toy. MA YAU and LAI-SHEUNG go to Treasure Hunt to look for MA KEUNG secretly. They explain that the figure was a present from MA KIN to encourage MA CHONG to study well in his childhood. MA FU discovers that his beloved orchid is damaged and MA CHONG admits fearfully that he has damaged it. MA FU misconceives that MA CHONG is taking a revenge on him and they start a quarrel with each other. MA KEUNG and LAI-SHEUNG reveals the story about the broken figure to MA FU and MA FU is deeply touched. On the other hand, MA YAU reveals to MA CHONG that the orchid was the last present from MA KIN as well. MA YAU hands over a new identical figure to MA CHONG. She reveals that MA FU has helped to find the figure……