TAK-YU and YIM KAN finish Boss CHO's project successfully. Boss CHO sends them both a coupon to stay in the presidential suite of a hotel in Macau. YIM KAN gives his coupon to MA CHONG and CHI-SHING. TAK-YU gives hers to SHEUNG-YAU but SHEUNG-YAU rejects her. TAK-YU gives the coupon to SO BIK and SO BIK invites TAK-YU to join her after finishing her works. After arriving at the hotel, SO BIK receives a call from her younger brother informing her that his wife is not feeling well and he worries that she will go into premature labour. SO BIK has no choice but to rush back to Hong Kong. MA CHONG meets up with CHI-SHING in the hotel. CHI-CHING believes that TAK-YU will not finish her works on that day. He gives MA CHONG the other room's key and asks him to sleep there. MA CHONG and CHI-CHING return to the hotel after dinner. MA CHONG doesn't realize that TAK-YU has arrived already……