Episode 14 - S1.E14
In order to save Wei Chao-guang, Chen Hsiang alone shoulders the responsibility of killing the foreign soldiers and holds a fighting contest to challenge the foreigners. Chen Hsiang defeats all arid wins applaud.
Ji-shan sees that Chen Hsiang fights well and considers Cheri a threat to him. He then quickly hires a kung-fu master Zhang Hong-sheng to challenge Chen but is rejected. In a rage, Zhang injures Chao-guang to give warning.
Lin Tse-hsu learns that Ji-shan secretly signs a contract unfavorable to the country arid decides to take risk to make appeal to the King. Fortunately, the King can discern the situation arid orders Lin to assist Ji-shan to drive away the foreigners. Hong-sheng is not convinced and repeatedly challenges Cheri Hsiang but is rejected. He turns to challenge Chao-guang to force Chen fight back. Chen then thinks of ways to deal with him.