Episode 5 - S1.E5
Mei Wah is madly in love with Yat On, therefore, she always takes the initiative to develop their relation. However, it makes Yat On a bit afraid of her. Later on, Wing Cheong wants to take revenge on Mei Wah for she has dealt a blow to his love relationship with Ah Ling. He makes a plot to separate them. Mei Wah becomes a love-lorn girl again.
Mei -Wah is-heart-broken. She finds that Wing Cheong-can easily be manipulated. Thus, she tries her best to flatter him because she wants him to be her lover so that she can have a sense of security. Jo and Kong find that Old Chow is making a plot to cheat them. Thus, the business of their factory suffers a great loss. Kong has no alternative but returns to Hong Kong to take a rest.
Yiu Jo looks after the factory in China. Unexpectedly, some vagabonds go to steal-the parts of the machines after mid-night. Moreover, they beat Yiu Jo severely……