“Acquitted of Kidnapping But My Husband Still Thinks I'm Guilty” - S14.E19
Laura made local headlines when she became the subject of a fugitive investigation after being accused of kidnapping her then 4-year-old daughter and going on the run. Her estranged husband, Joe, says he and Laura were going through a custody dispute when she left with their daughter and took off across three different states. Joe claims Laura threatened to kill their daughter and herself if police started to move in -- which Laura denies. Joe says when Laura was apprehended, U.S. Marshals found a loaded handgun under the seat of her car. After a two-day trial on charges of kidnapping and interference with custody, Laura was acquitted on all charges. Now, she says Joe is keeping her from their daughter, whom she says she has not seen in four years, even though she was granted supervised visitation. Joe says Laura is constantly harassing him to the point where he is afraid for their lives. Will Joe finally allow Laura to see their daughter?