Macy visits with Kimberly and notices how depressed she is. Macy suggests that Kimberly go to some parties and maybe meet some new people, but Kimberly isn't interested. Brooke tells her concerns about Amber to Thorne. Brooke explains how scared and jittery Amber looked when she returned with the baby. Thorne advises Brooke to let it go, but she tells him that she will never accept Amber. Stephanie, Tawny and Rick play with the baby, while Amber looks on with sadness in her eyes. CJ later finds Rick working on a song with his guitar and is surprised that the song is about Kimberly. Tawny attempts to have Amber breast feed the baby but she can't do it. Amber starts to fall apart and Tawny warns her to keep it together, just as Brooke barges in to the guesthouse.