#3457 - S14.E195
Amber tries to talk to CJ but he whisks her away with champagne and romance. CJ gets edgy when she mentions Rick. Amber admits that she cares for CJ, but loves Rick. CJ thinks Rick is manipulating Amber, but she says that her future is with Rick. CJ feels rejected as Amber returns her engagement ring and leaves. Darla visits Rick and asks him to back away from Amber and allow her to be happy with CJ. Rick informs her that Amber is leaving CJ, but she refuses to believe it. Amber later returns home and makes love to Rick. Morgan begins chanting about how she, Ridge and Taylor need to make some choices now her son has been born. Taylor thinks Morgan is crazy as she talks about them all being a family. Morgan is concerned when she still hasn't seen her baby and Dr. Paxson comes in alone.