Episode 26 - S1.E26 - A Step Into The Past

A crazy man has got in when KATE is having a bath. To ensure KATE’s security, EMPEROR QIN agrees to appoint LAO to the post of Guard-in-chief. LUNG fears that JING will sooner or later become a tyrant. He hopes the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius can help exert a favourable influence on JING’s character and therefore invites CHANG to be JING’s teacher. CHANG promises later on. LUNG tells CHANG that she very much looks like his ex-girlfriend. CHANG feels a bit down when she hears about that. EMPEROR QIN has claimed JING to be the heir to the throne. SING and TSUEN think it is compulsory for JING to prove that he is the offspring of QIN. KATE tells JING that QIN is really his father and that there is nothing to worry about. JING just acts relaxed. LUNG suggests having a blood test. They do it and finally prove that JING is the son of QIN. LUI is of course furious with the result.… ...

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Episode 26 - S1.E26 - A Step Into The Past

November 19, 2001

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