The Three Year Itch - S3.E19 - thirtysomething

CAPSULE: While in Washington, DC about a possible job, Hope almost cheats on Michael with John Dunaway.

While Michael has gotten a big raise almost doubling his salary and lots of perks with his new job, Hope is disenheartened when the incinerator plan passes the city council after she made a presentation against it. Later she calls John Dunaway, looking for other ways to fight the incinerator and arranges a lunch meeting with him. At lunch she asks about a court challenge, but John is doubtful. At DAA Elliot tells Mike he should ask for a raise; Michael doesn't tell him he's already got it. That night in bed, Hope is kissing Michael, but momentarily imagines him as John. The next day John calls Hope with the news of a possible press relations job with an environmental organization in Washington, DC. When she senses Michael's lack of enthusiasm about the possibility they argue, she telling him that she always accommodates to his career.

When Hope tells Ellyn and Nancy about going to Wa

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The Three Year Itch - S3.E19 - thirtysomething

April 3, 1990


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