YING is being escorted to the capital. SAM rescues YING. When YING, HONG and SAM are trying to escape, MONG`s subordinate, LIU, arrives and hurts HONG. Before he died, HONG asks YING to look after MAN.
MAN is sick. YING goes back to his herbal medicine shop to get medicine for MAN. Unexpectedly, he discovers the evidence for prosecuting MONG. LIU comes to where YING and the others are hiding. Luckily, NAM comes to their rescue and they finally escape.
NAM discovers CHEUNG`s real identity. She makes use of CHEUNG to entice MONG. YING fights against MONG. He eventually kills MONG with his `Invincible Kick`.
YING and MAN are going to get married. MAN knows that YING loves NAM the most. MAN asks NAM to stay. Both NAM and MAN become YING`s wives. The three live together happily ever after.