Kathy is performing at Madison Square Garden - SOLD OUT!!! But Kathy's been re-banned from the "The View" because of a harmless joke about Barbara Walters. It's fine to be sold out, but without press such an achievement seems wasted. Luckily, she's found a perfect way to get publicity. There is a quirky Jewish couple in Queens whose dream wedding includes Kathy serving as their minister. She could probably get Page 6 and maybe the local news to cover it. All it requires is that she gets ordained on the Internet. A trip to New York also means she'll have chance to see her pal, Rosie O'Donnell. Jessica and Tiffany are dying to play in Rosie's craft room. And just to make things extra fun, Kathy's hooking up with old friends Molly Shannon and Megan Mullally while she's in town.