Toni’s day at work doesn’t go according to plan when she happens to wear the same outfit as Sheridan. The needle ends up in a bin, Martha misses it as she strolls past. Harley tries to quit his cocaine habit but fails miserably when Fiona again seduces him. They make their way to Harley’s room at the rectory where they indulge in the drug. Bob walks in and finds them taking the drug and can only watch as Harley walks out in a daze. Max continues to be failed by his father and has to break up a fight between his Dad and another man. Nikki tells Toni about Max’s problem and swears her to secrecy. Harley and Fiona drive to pick up Fiona’s friend Nadia ‘ they continue to take cocaine until Harley passes out. He has a mini seizure and collapses, leading Fiona to believe he is dead.