“Let’s Get Lit!” - S5.E151
“Let’s Get Lit!”: Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people and author TOMI ADEYEMI on her highly anticipated book, “Children of Anguish and Anarchy” from “The Children of Blood and Bone” trilogy. Then, “Basketball Wives” creator and entrepreneur SHAUNIE HENDERSON discusses her new memoir, “UNDEFEATED: Changing the Rules and Winning on My Own Terms.” Plus, New York Times bestselling author LUKE RUSSERT and his mom, MAUREEN ORTH, on growing together through grief and the impact of his book “Look for Me There: Grieving My Father, Finding Myself.” And CHAZ EBERT, wife of the late Pulitzer Prize winner Roger Ebert, shares her new book, “It’s Time To Give A Feck: Elevating Humanity Through Forgiveness, Empathy, Compassion and Kindness.” Plus, don’t miss an all-new Shop Tam Fam!