1. Kerry Packer's memorial service and memorial fund.
Chris and Craig discuss the televised funeral and memorial to the late Kerry Packer, and then try to collect money for their own Kerry Packer Memorial fund.
2. Mega-Cheese crust pizza.
Presenting the latest ad for pizza with more cheese than ever before!
3. Pursuit Trivia
This question goes to Stephen Smith, the Shadow Industrial Relations Minister:
What is the world's second highest mountain?
He did not guess the correct answer: K2.
4. The Surprise Spruiker
Andrew introduces his Surprise Spruiker for those who need it most. This week, those receiving his charity are:
Giorgio Armani; The Department of Workplace Relations; and The Department of Immigration.
5. A Message from Osama Bin Laden
Bin Laden admits he's responsible for all the evil in the world...except for the Up-Late Game Show with the Hotdogs.
6. AWB Corporate box; Big Day Out Sniffer Dogs; Australian flag fashion.
7. This week's subliminal message.
8. The Road to Turin
Chris and Andrew are thoroughly practicing their ice-skating for the upcoming Winter Olympics in Turin.
9. Charles Firth in the USA
Charles interviews football fans about the Superbowl.
10. In Other News...
AWB kick-back scandal; Abortion pill UR486; Eddie McGuire; New footage of Iraq prisoner abuse; Bali 9 execution.
11. Evade Aid
A live concert event to raise money for Packer's tax bill.
12. What have we learned from Current Affairs this week?
Lesson 1: Dodgy Guys. How to spot a dodgy guy, and dangerous car parks.
13. Mr. Ten Questions
This week he meets Hugh Jackman.
14. Danish cartoons on Danna Vale's website.