1: Rug Clearance Sale Ads
It’s the Rug Emporium's absolutely, positively, definitely closing down this time sale!
2: Where the bloody hell are you?
After the reaction to a recent overseas advertising campaign, Chris and Craig test a few of their own slogans to promote Australia to tourists.
3: Howard 10 Years Tribute
The Chaser team celebrates John Howard’s tenth year as Prime Minister with clips highlighting his time in office.
4: Message from Osama Bin Laden – Dancing with the Stars
Osama Bin Laden expresses his distaste with not being asked to perform on Dancing with the Stars.
5: Pursuit Trivia – Backstreet Boys
This question goes to the Backstreet Boys:
In Geography, what is the capital of Australia?
None of the Backstreet Boys guessed the correct answer: Canberra.
6: Mosman Mosque
Julian unveils plans to build a Muslim Mosque in Mosman, a suburb named as among the most racially intolerant in the country, and gauges local’s reactions.
7: Rug Warehouse Clearance #2
Trust us, this time we're not kidding; it's the "We Really And Truly Are Closing Down For Sure Sale"!
8: Firth in the USA – Cool
Charles Firth hits the street of New York to find out why America is so cool.
9: Commvenience
Which bank?
10: In Other News
Peter Costello gets tough on radical extremism; Tony Abbott withdraws comments; Trevor Flugge’s AWB claims; Channel Nine’s new logo; David Beckham does math; and ABC denies any leftwing-bias allegations.
11: Brokeback Mountain – Christian Edition
A sneak preview Ang Lee’s more Christian-friendly version of Brokeback Mountain.
12: The Complete Walks of John Howard DVD
Featuring Mr. Howard’s most memorable walks, with commentary!
13: Current Affairs – Visualisations
Lesson 3: Using visualisations to explain complex stories.
14: Crazy Warehouse Guy – McDonalds
The Crazy Warehouse Guy visits McDonalds.
15: Finally, Tonight...
It may be time to put away the talking Boonie, but VB have brought out another drinking sporting legend: the talking Wendell.
16: Closing Credits
Credits are played over another scene from Ang Lee's Christian Edition of Brokeback Mountain.