Bho'n Chroit an Clò (From the Land to the Loom) - S2.E1
Season two opens on a knife edge when mill owner Seumas MacSween collapses. As we flash back six hours earlier, we discover a family torn apart as lies and betrayals are exposed. Tha an dàrna sreath a’ tòiseachadh le brag agus ceannard na muilne, Seumas MacSuain, a’ leigeil roimhe. A’ tilleadh gu sia uairean a thìde nas tràithe, tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu theaghlach a th’ air an sgaradh ri linn breugan is brathadh a tha a’ brùchdadh am follais.
Bho'n Chroit an Clò (From the Land to the Loom) - S2.E1
January 8, 2024
video reviews