With Superbowl Sunday around the corner, the Big 3 dive into their Super Bowl special. Don and Mole give Perry a hard time for being a Bears fan and go deep in a round of "Guy Talk". Perry’s in a particularly good mood cause a lady friend is coming to town, and the guys get very explicit with their sex lives.
After the "$10 Shout Outs", the guys argue about their social networking sites. They also get a voicemail from the still-injured Terrifying Tim and start to speak about the contract they decided to write up last week, and the guys take a call from John Quincy Adams.
The guys do some football talk and take out some cash for a little friendly competition. Mole also gives some handy Super Bowl Party Tips, and Don plays a couple of voicemails from Perry. After a Super Bowl themed Mole Play, the show wraps with an electrifying segment of "Perry’s Corner".