Ride Owner: Jared. Male.
Owner's Ride: 1985 Ford Ranger.
Jared's ride is in rough shape. He delivers car parts for a living. Since the Ranger is less than reliable, Jared misses out on other jobs that he needs to make some money for school. With rotting paint, ripped-up seats, a zig-zag antenna and "bobble head" mirrors, Jared thinks that his other mode of transportation, skateboarding, would be safer than trusting in the Ranger. Jared doesn't have to worry anymore, because in the words of X, "We're going to take this pick up and really pick it up!" Xzibit is about to pimp his ride.
Additions & Improvements:
-Paint, tangelo with tribal graphics
-Custom seats imprinted with flames
-New alarm system includes an automatic door opener
-Fold out couch
-23-inch monitor
-Gamecube with wireless controllers
-3,000 watt system
-A ping-pong table in the bed of the truck that can be pulled out and set up anywhere
-Gift from X, a brand new skateboard
Jared has officially been pimped.
Final Look
-Norrin Radd