Opening Comments--Roger Abbott
Doug Henning As leader of the Natural Law Party, he holds us spellbound
Pirates Canada Swindling voters with the truth.
Hockey Commentary
National Anthem The American National Anthem is sung to a different 'tune'.
Ice Beer It's not like those other, sissy, beers...
Leader Meter Pick the next Prime Minister by your applause.
Mr. Charade Man on the street answers a street interviewer by playing charades.
Seamus O'Toole Seamus combines the Bloc Quebecois with the Parti Quebecois and comes up with the Bloc Parti!
McCainski's New sponsor Boris Yeltsin speaks about McCainski's Vodka Coolers.
Candidates Debate '93 Kim Campbell, Audrey McLaughlin, Jean Chretien, Preston Manning and Lucien Bouchard in a verbal slugfest for the highest public office in Canada.