Canadian Moment The donut shop regulars sink their teeth into Joe Clark, possible Reform-Conservative coalition, Newspaper takeover, John Glenn, bra-bridge, Mike Piazza, new coat of arms for Toronto, Halloween, abortionist shooting, and the Quebec election.
Chretien Disclaimer Reports of American influence have Jean Chretien seeing red, white and blue.
Mike Phones Sex Line Mike from Canmore phones a sex line.
John Glenn Blastoff A few words from John Glenn as he blasts off into space
Conrad Black Conrad Black launches The National post
The XL Files Scully and Mulder prove that UFO means Unidentified Food Object on The XL Files
The Pope Confesses The Pope goes to confession
Chretien/Clinton/Yeltsin Jean Chretien, Bill Clinton, and Boris Yeltsin share their thoughts on different topics
CBC Morning - Final Discussion The Asian markets leave CBC Morning's hosts wanting to commit financial hari kari